Founded in 1984, the Journalism & Women Symposium (JAWS) brings together working journalists, journalism educators and researchers from across the country to share resources, support, training and information about issues that affect women in the industry. Join us for a special session on Saturday, September 14, 2024 at 10:15am - 12:15pm Eastern Time.
Beyond Objectivity - Getting Past the Usual Tropes - A Special Maynard-JAWS Collaboration
What is objectivity, that troubled journalistic ideal? Dead-end debates rage about both sides-ism, naive empiricism, false equivalences, and more. But this needn’t be so hard. The Maynard Institute has established a method for identifying and going beyond one’s own and others’ biases. During this discussion, attendees will learn the institute’s trademarked Fault Lines™ framework, which helps reporters, editors and upper-level managers understand how social identities and self-categorization can affect decision-making and coverage of a news organization’s community. The framework helps people recognize their own Fault Lines™, and in turn, their own biases.
The Maynard Institute’s Director for Cultural Competency, Felecia D. Henderson, will join longtime journalism industry professionals Jean Marie Brown, Associate Professor of Professional Practice Department of Journalism, Texas Christian University, Mary Irby-Jones, USA Today Midwest Regional Editor Executive Editor, The Courier Journal, and Linda Jue, JAWS facilitator, Editor at Large, 100Reporters, and Contributing Investigative Editor, palabra by NAHJ.